Saturday, 5 April 2014

Moving Image Entry 13 - Kevin Ross:

Module: Moving Image El342
Kent University

Team 07:

vp216 - Viknesh Prabhakar
kr278 - Kevin Ross
cb595 - Connor Brown
Tws6 - Thomas Stowell

Final Edit:

For Thursday the 03/04/2014 we had arranged to finalize the film project since Tom was leaving for family reasons on Saturday and there were other pending works for this week.
During this session we had arranged to add SFX to our project as well as background sounds titles and subtitles. I had brought in a Blank DVD on which we will hand in our assignment.
The turn out for this editing session once again was only Thomas and myself, where Viknesh and Connor did see us working on it at one point , watched what we had done,  but left without contributing to this session once again.

In this session our first goal was to apply all the sound effects necessary for our film. For this we used the files that I had previously found and sent to Tom. Just like the transitions we also applied the SFX in a chronological order. The SFX We used in the end were the ringing tune for our phone, a background forest sound for our forest , a splash sound to symbolize Dom jumping in the pond, and a futuristic time travel noise to convey the idea Dom is travelling in time.
We felt the ringing tune was necessary since the phone was on vibrate and gave off no sound, therefore using a generic ring tone noise we found that it would be more understandable for the viewers to grasp the idea that the phone was ringing. We applied a forest background sound effect firstly to make the scene to appear as a new area after the pervious scene transition, and furthermore to give our scene a sense of feeling. We did not overpower the sound however and kept it really low so that any other sounds or talking was clearly heard. Lastly with use of the splash and time travel sounds we could successfully give the idea of him jumping in the pond and time travelling. This is because as for the visual content the screen was white at this point, therefore sound was the only necessary mean of conveying what was happening. However I do now feel that we could have added a bit of subtitle. saying " Time travel noise" Just so it was more obvious what was happening.

After the SFX we worked on the background music. We decided that The Johnny Cash version of Hurt worked most efficiently with our film since the sound was clearer and the mood it set was what we wanted to achieve. This song starts from when Dom Looks sad after the phone call and fades out just before him jumping in the water. This made all the scenes prior to this seem more upsetting and dark.

Last we Focused on adding a sheen effect to both our Title and end credits. This was to make the appearance of the film to become more professional. We used a metallic textured text on a black background which gives of a shine as the sheen passes through it. To do this we needed 2 sheen layers, 2 title layers and a background layer. Once we finished the title and extended the length of the title so that the effect was visible we copied the sheen and applied It to the end credits. We used a similar font type afterwards to create our films subtitles. We decided not to subtitle the whole film but instead to subtitle the beginning phone call scene so that it became more apparent what the doctor was saying on the phone since we cannot see him talk.

Hand In:

Thomas Stowell made some final touches to our project Thursday night where I couldn't help him unfortunately since I live off campus. He placed our file onto the DVD And handed the project in the next day for assessment.


I will be working on my peer assessment soon for hand in however overall I feel this project has come along nicely considering a lack of turning up from some group members.
I feel I have learnt a considerably new amount when it comes to filming and editing from our experience with work and next time I would like to work in a new field such as doing the filming to learn new techniques.

I feel I could improve on trying to make the team work as a whole next time too since I felt Thomas and myself did great part of the work however this is a group effort. Furthermore I would like to improve on editing skills to make the film appear more attractive. Overall I am happy with the outcome of our film.

The total cost in expenses we had with this film was  £ 0.00 and we only required the help of one actor. Special thanks to Scott our actor playing as Dom.

1 comment:

  1. Some good reflections but at times lacks depth and breadth - more research evidence needed and detailed critical reflections.
